A Whole Lotta Whoa Going On

A Whole Lotta Whoa Going On

Salutations, friends.

I’ve done a craptastic job at blogging as of late, but I do have good reason.


Of course, AF stands for “As a Feline with 3 legs trying to cover a turd on a frozen pond”.

Because I would never curse and use the real meaning that is associated with “AF”.

Anyway, I really have been busy, but in such a good and blessed way. I’m co-hosting a podcast with the hilarious Anna Lind Thomas and I’ve also launched a fashion line.

By fashion line, I mean I have some cool t-shirts.

I’m also working full-time on two new books and diving into some other projects as well. I thank each one of you for sticking with me as my platform and opportunities grow.

Here are the links to all the new Whoa! things.

The Anna and Susannah Show

Whoa! Susannah T-Shirts

God bless.


Wife, Mama, Author, Humorist, Podcaster, Southerner, Jesus Follower, CEO of Twelve Tails Farm.


  1. Rainne says:

    Dear Susannah, I just want to tell you thanks, because I am dealing with my mom being in the process of dying right now and your blog and videos and things helps me find a reason to laugh, and also to remember that this too shall pass and there will be other things even after she is gone. Thanks & much love.

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